McIntosh C-2200 Preamp

I am looking at upgrading to the above. Any thoughts ? My amp is a Mcintosh MC352.
i like my c2200 very much as a matter of fact i like everything about it EXCEPT......................the remote,its huge & clumsy & way too busy,its allmost like mac dreamed up stuff to put on it.

its like the boy scout knife of remote controls but other than that its one hell of a preamp.

I have c2200 and been using it for almost a year my amp is a mac 7300 old pre was solid state mac and a bunch of others. From the first my was happy and now am delighted my wife really loves the sound she especially loves gospel music so voices kick it. I took to my brothers house while I was on vacation he has a 352 w/ c42 I do believe thats his pre. anyway he really loved the c2200 it was a little bit of a tussle to get it back. any way I heartily can recomend this pre
JP: The C2200 should mate very well with your 352. I have one paired with a 2102 tube amp and am very pleased. The C2200 is anything but bright and lean. I don't doubt it sounded that way to Tim who posted above, I can only say there must have been something wrong with the one he listened to or there was something else going on there. It is an extremely versatile pre amd should keep you happy for many years to come. Good Luck,

I have been very happy with the C2200. I use it with the MC2102. I'm debating whether to trade it in for a SET system. The Mcintosh is not as resolving but every bit as musical.
I have had mine for about 4 months and love it,"bright and lean" are def. not the words I would use, but we all hear what we hear, I find it very open and lush and musical, nice flexibility and dead quiet...I use it with both solid state and tupe amps