Atma-Sphere M60 or David Berning ZH270?

Hi, I need some helps to decide which one of these two amplifiers to go with my 14ohm Coincident Super Eclipse (SE).

The Atma-Sphere seems a perfect match for the SE at least in impedance matching and at 14ohm, may get more power than 60 watts. The ZH270 may get less than 70 watts @14ohm. However, I have the following concerns for the M60:

1. 8 6AS7 output tubes per side generates a lot of heat and it does not have cage protection. This is quite a problem if you have young children at home like me. The ZH270 has tubes internal (like a Tube preamplifier) and thus safer for young children.

2. 16 6AS7, though last long time, can be more expensive than ZH270's 4 6JN6 if I try to replace them.

Pro for ZH270 can run without a preamp and is auto-biasing.

On the other hand, ZH270 is more expensive ($4995) than M60 MKII.2 ($4250) (current still have a few left).

As far as the most important factor: sound? I have no idea at all. I have not heard either one anywhere. I have owned ASL Hurricane for over a year and like the sound very much but disappointed for the constant re-biasing and QC problem.

Does any one have Reliability problem with either one?

My listening room is 13Wx8Hx26L and I listen almost only classical music from solo violin, piano, to chamber music to 20 century's big symphony orchestra works (Mahler, Strauss, Stravinsky, etc.).

Thanks for the helps.
And a good choice it is! You will really enjoy the amp, and you will see it's in a whole other league vs. the 'canes. I used to have the 'canes as well.
Laoyup - well done! As i mentioned, bot hare excellent, but you will not regret your decision to get the Berning. Welcome to the club of the lucky few who have these amazing pieces.
Hi Laoyuap

When you get your amp and live with it for a while for an added treat I highly recommend the internal wire mod. As Oneproof notes, this is a remarkable improvement in effortlessness and ease. I have owned the amp 3 years as of yesterday. It is the one audio component I am certain I will never part with for reproduction of music, size, reliability, low heat, weight and its inconspicious visual appeal. It is up to anything you throw at it within its power rating always holding the music in correct proportion to the recording. Great choice and enjoy your amp!
1markr, Rushton, Artg, and Tubegroover:

Thanks. With your guys and so many others assurance, I am really looking forward to it (for sometime in March arrival). I hope I will be able to concentrate on the "music" instead of "sound" and "equipments".


I have added the internal silver wire upgrade already if this is what you are referring to. The Cryoed tubes and cap upgrade are included in the base price.

Thanks again.