Nelson Pass First Watt amp F1

Any experience with this amp? I am VERY seriously considering getting one, but would like some feedback from the folks at the 'gon first.
From reading the 6moons review of the F1 I sense it has to be very carefully matched to the other components. Within a well matched range it supposedly is spectacular, outside that and it doesn't work. I'd start there and of course email Pass about it.
Interesting insight so far, not as promising as I had thought it might have been. I am thinking of using it in my current system(emm labs front end, vonschweikert db99's and jena labs cabling) any thoughts? I have contacted first watt(which is seperate from pass) and they have been a great help so far, but I am curious about what consumers think.
It is not compatible with multiple driver speakers unless the crossover is designed to be driven by a transconductance amolifier.
This is a very specialized amp that boasts an 80 ohm output impedance. In effect, the amp is designed to be "loaded down" by the loudspeakers, which results in a shifted tonal balance. This shift in tonal balance helps to compensate for the lack of low frequency weight found in many "full range" aka Lowther, Fostex, etc... type drivers. If used in conjunction with more conventional multi-way loudspeaker designs, it probably won't sound too good. On top of that, and as Herman pointed out in another thread, the crossover points on the loudspeaker will be altered. Due to the fact that this amp acts like a current source rather than the more conventional and commonly used voltage source designs, it will have very limited mareketability and would be "near useless" for most audiophile type speakers. Sean
Well I guess that answers my question, not the amp for me. I guess I'll just stick with tubes, its working for me, my mind just runs crazy from time to time.