Nelson Pass First Watt amp F1

Any experience with this amp? I am VERY seriously considering getting one, but would like some feedback from the folks at the 'gon first.
Twl, like most of us, you are coming from a voltage source mindset. Just about all of us think in this manner. That is the way of audio. A current source is a WHOLE different ballgame.

I have heard stories of people building low watt amplifiers that were operating as current sources, and they drove the absolute devil out of their earlier Apogees (virtually almost dead shorts). Conversely, even some absolute beasts of more traditional amplifiers (the bigger Krells, MLs, etc.) literally blow up or melt with the same loudspeaker.

Perhaps Sean can educate us a bit on the differences...
It was a tough room and the Exemplar 300Bs are in a different class than the First Watt ($8k vs $2500). I think a much more accurate listening session could be arranged in a bit larger room. The thing about the Academy speaker is that it begs for a larger room to really open up. When in a show environment with a very
limited room, they pretty much need to be played at levels that are sitting room polite. To let them strut their stuff and impress, a lot bigger space is required.
Thanks for stopping by.
Yes, that was the room.
I have to say that I was just referring to the amp comparison in my previous post, and the speakers were an excellent iteration of the Lowther Academy design.
Extremely good construction quality, and beautifully finished.
I'd highly recommend those to anyone interested in one of the classic Lowther designs.
Vivaldi Audio,

Please clarify if you optimized your speakers with frequency shaping networks designed to work with the First Watt. These networks seems to me to be a key component to getting good performance from a transconductance amp.

Actually Nelson Pass optimized the Speaker for the amp. Again, I would comment that a 10 minute listening session
in a show room really isn't a great indicator of much of anything.