Looking for really fine cables at really low price

I have been listening to excellent sounding Exemplar exception cables for the last several weeks. While my HFCables are better they are also much more expensive than the below $500 cables.

They offer an excellent sound stage, dynamics, and top to bottom quality sound. Not only are they inexpensive but they are very portable and easy to install.

I am not a dealer or investor in this company.
Nonoise, so the SupraPly 3.4W is a lot better in your system than the single wire Clearday's but it is the Double shotgun wire that is Clear day's top cable, have you ever thought of comparing the double to the single? The reason why I ask is the Supra's sound enticing, but for buyers interested in trying a cable the Clear Days may be easier or more user friendly to buy. So I guess in the end it would be interesting to see if the Supra's are better than the double shotgun from Clear Day.
Kclone, I understand the aspect of availability and ease of purchase and it's why I hesitated buying from a retailer in England. Considering it's only a 7 day wait for Royal Mail to anywhere in the world (claimed) it might be worth it.

Having said that, I tried the shotgun and single wire versions of Clear Day with some demos sent out and settled on the single wire as the shotguns were too much midrange centric with those rolled off highs and fattened lows that don't appeal to me, in the context of my (then) system. And that's what it all settles down to: what sounds best in your system.

Not having the same setup now I think I can safely say that it would be similar to how it now sounds using single and double Helix Mapleshade SCs. The singles are not quite right and the doubles take it even further in the wrong direction: too much midrange and bass and those rolled off highs.

I would never have thought that tinned, stranded copper would sound better than single, solid core silver, which I've always loved, but what worked in my older system doesn't in my present system.

The devil is in the details and he's having too much fun with cables for my taste.

All the best,
Thanks Nonoise. The good news is the Supra's are not expensive and thus not a huge risk to try out.
Yes, you can skip the terminations and just use the bare ends. Three meter pairs will set you back about $90.00.

All the best,
At T.H.E. Irvine Show this past weekend, the cable panel members (Kimber/Cardas/Shunyata/K-S) recommended against tinning speaker wire ends, suggesting instead bare wire. I don't remember the reason why, but Ray was pretty adamant about it.