Balanced preamp recommendations

Looking for a tube preamp that I can use in a balanced system. I love the sound of the cj Premier 17ls but it is single-ended only. Any recommendations for something along those lines that supports balanced connections?
Rushton...yep, I have heard of inconsistencies in balanced interfaces as well. Something almost to the effect that European brands and North American brands reverse the positive and negative pins, so that in many cases mixing balanced gear from Europe and North America can result in phase-inversion. Then I heard of one instance where Jeff Rowland makes input-1 on his balanced preamps match the European "standard", whereas all the other inputs match the NA standard. And then I'm sure there are many examples of manufacturers just implementing whatever they happen to be used to.

But yes, I agree that choosing equipment solely because it is balanced is not the critical path, but certainly it is a legitimate consideration IMHO, particularly if by not going balanced forces you to use adaptors and such...
Thanks for the input everyone. I am not dead set on going balanced, it's just that my other equipment all has balanced connections and I am curious as to the improvement it may (or may not) make. In particular, I have been told that my ARC CD3Mkii really steps up notably when run in a balanced system.

I will check out Aesthetix but am not familiar with the character of their gear. Any comments on what I might expect?
Steve, here's a link to a recent review by Robert Harley in TAS:
Where he says, in part:
"The Calypso and Rhea do not sound like tubed electronics. I heard no trace of the classic tube sound—billowy soundstage, soft treble, full and ill-defined bass, or “musicality” at the expense of resolution. Instead, the three words that best describe this duo—and both components share the same qualities—are “open,” “transparent,” and “uncolored.” In fact, these electronics impose the least coloration on the music of any I’ve auditioned. They impart a sense of palpability and immediacy that recalls the magic of live music."
And here's a link to the description on the Aesthetix web site (at Musical Surroundings, the distributor):
the Calypso is a no brainer I listened to the Hovland 200 for 10 days ,80% of the people that came over said the Hovland was a hair more detailed ,and maybe a hair more open at the top,
Other than that the sheer natural way the Calypso handles the textures of musical instruments is beyong reproach ,
and the bass weight and dynamics were incredible ,even against 10k preamps this one stand tall.
With vintage tube add 10%-Giant killer,and please read the reviews they are dead accurate, and the jan2006 TAS magazine ,has a glorous accolade on the Calypso ,
even against the Flagship Goldman, as far as balanced you cannot do any better,this is a True dual mono design ,and fully balanced, 3 transformers to totally isolate the circuits, an allstarlist of parts quality,microprocessor controlled , and No global feedback ,which means one less stage from the valves to the amplifier , that is why the music is just more natural, ONE BIG THING I would like to mention, many people never hear this preamplifiers potential,for you need over 400 hours to fully break in this unit nothing less, because of the super high grade
Rel Caps , and Nichecon Caps, they are dreadfull on breakin, give it time you will be well rewarded, that is why the many people on these forums that did not wait never heard the real deal, also the tube issue is a thing of the past! Yes I now own one.p.s just ask Jade on the forum, and with stock tubes the pre is still excellent!
thank you Paul J Letteri.