Tube Pre suggestions for Mac Amp

I have a McIntosh power amplifier that I am running CD directly into. I wanted to know if any of you Gon'ers have had any experience using a tubed pre on a Mac solid state amp and what you found to be a synergistic match.
I used a CJ PV10 for a while but preferred my C712 with my MC7200. The 712 was sweeter - although I think that NOS tubes would have helped the preamp a lot.

Incidentally, I used my CDP directly into the amp too but much preferred having the preamp in the chain. Dynamics were significantly better and the sound had more body (more 3D imaging). This was my experince anyway. Arthur
I'm using a Rogue 99 Magnum with my MC162. I added some NOS tubes and I really like the sound. I've been curious to try it with other preamps but the Rogue has everything I need.
A smooth musical pre like the CJ Premier lines. You can find Premiere 10's on 'gon for around $1,000.