McCormack DNA 500

Is the McCormack DNA 500 really as great as reported?
Anyone with enough experience to comment?

Well I feel compelled to respond here. I actually own
a DNA 500. I have had mine for about 4 months now. My
previous amp was a BAT VK500 which I was very happy
with. The problem with the BAT was the bulk and the
furnace like heat it pumped out.

I will say that in my opinion that DNA 500 was a big
upgrade from the BAT. The difference in dynamics,
resolution and control is huge. My Sig 805 sounded
great with the BAT but with the DNA they jumped to
life. I'm a little pressed for time right now but I
will say that the DNA 500 has radically changed my
system for the better. Feel free to email me or
respond here if you have any questions.

Back to work guys.

You mentioned that the DNA 500 was a big upgrade from the BAT VK 500 (itself a very respectable amp). Can you please elaborate further when you have the time? Any comparision with other high quality amps?
Hi Thf,

let me state it simply - yes.

I've owned McCormack gear in various forms for almost a decade and went from a stock DNA-1 through the upgrade cycles to Steve's most recent mods. My most recent DNA-1 mod was driving original Mirage M1's and while they sounded fabulous, I felt they needed more power to bring them alive and auditioned the DNA-2 LAE and finally, the DNA-500.

Well, I kept the DNA-500 - end of that story.

I have heard alot of very fine and very expensive SS amps mated with similar quality preamps, speakers, etc. Every time, I have been drawn back to Steve's sound and felt very fortunate for the modest sum it cost me to own it.

The final plus is, Steve eventually gets around to offering mods to all of his gear and, if you can afford his pinnacle upgrades, your in the elite end of high end audio - at a still modest sum. No doubt you can find better but believe me, you will spend alot more before you do - IMHO.

If your fortunate enough to live in an area with some good audio dealers, you should be able to bring one home and audition it over a weekend. If it's a floor model, that's better because it's well broken in so you can at least hear the DNA-500's potential. I find home auditions the true critical test because nobody else provides your combination of components and room accoustics.

I wish you the very best in your search.
Well, I wish I had an endless supply of cash as somebody up above said... :-)

I do own the DNA-500 and I am using it with a Tact 2.2x preamp, VMPS RM 40 speakers, and an Empirical Audio modified Sony S-7700 as a transport directly into the Tact.

The DNA-500 is effortless in its presentation while being very musical. It gets the harmoincs of the music right. The overall presentaion is well balanced and not any one area stands out or seems deficient.

I have found that it excels regardless of the music and handles whatever I throw at it. In a typical session it isn't uncommon for my to go from The Bad Plus to Tori Amos to Wilco to Ben Harper to Sam Cooke to Roland Kirk to Vivaldi. In all cases the amp keeps me emotionally involved in the music while squeezing out tons of detail.

Other amps I have owned or tried in my system include:

Kora Cosmos Reference Mono Blocks
Rowland 201's
Pass X250/350
Plinius 250
VAC 100/100
Sunfire Stereo
Mesa Baron
Krell KSA 100
Meridian (can't remember the model number but it was big)
Sherbourn 5/1500A
Adcom GFA 555 MK ii
Spectron (original model, not current one)

Zybar, that's an impressive list of amps! Does the DNA500 flat-out beat all of them, or were there any of those other amps that did some things better? Any you regret selling?