Older PURE CLASS-A Amplifiers

I am looking at some older Pure Class A amps and am curious as to are they as good as some newer amps like the Pass X150, and which ones are recommended, and have they been compared to each other anywhere? Thanks much for the recommendations.

I am considering the following PURE CLASS A amps:
Threshold T-50
Monarchy Audio SM-100 Monos
Monarchy Audio SM-70
Forte Model 4
Gryphon mono blocks DM-100. Excellent amps.Threshold Amps are too bright for my taste.
There are a number of folks on this site who own or are big fans of the Forte Model 4, which I thought was a great little amp when I heard it years ago. You might want to check the archives.
I should have put, that wanted to spend less than $1000, which is why I am looking at older gear. Thanks for the responses!! Keep em coming...
Consider checking out a Stax DA-80.
Pure Class A.
Runs hotter than hell.
You could fry an egg on it.
Sounds great.
It will be in your price range or below.