A question for JC-1 owners...

I'm trying to determine if it is worth the expense of upgrading the stock power cords
as I'm not sure if I buy into the whole PC mystique. The amps are on dedicated 20amp circuits.

1) Is it worth the expense?

2) What PC are you using?

3) What are the benefits and are they only subtle?
Tvad, I know about the SLVR's and have had some discussions via e-mail with Mr. Crump.
But at $500 a pop, I feel this is a worthy discussion topic. If a high percentage of JC-1 owners post that they have upgraded their pc's and it seemed to help little or not at all, then I'm not buyin'.
I'm trying to find out if this whole pc thing is just a bunch of snake oil.
Other than the stock cords I have tried a pair of Vh Audio Flavor 4 Golds, and the SLVRs mentioned above with the JC-1s. The SLVRs were noticeably better in all respects. I am familar with the SLVRs on a number of components, and they don't always work out in every situation. However, the SLVRs do a great job of enhancing the qualities of the JC-1s and even make up for a few perceived short comings. I felt from the first moment I heard the SLVRs on the JC-1s that they had been voiced together.
Might as well add my 2 cents to this as you guys are talking about me......I voiced the JC-1 with the stock cords and then moved onward to the SLVR which was a better match for the amp than the stock cord. The stock cord was the best sounding of the ones Parasound sent me to evaluate, but it didn't have the focus or stage of the SLVR.....Good listening Tvad!
Bob Crump
CTC Builders

What about your powercords makes them synergize with the JC-1's?
What other amps/items do they work with best?
Does length make a difference (2 short runs to the amp or 6' or longer)
In the past I found Silver Power cables tended to make things brighter, how did you get around it or what is the purpose of using the silver?