Concerto pre-amp vs. the Synergy IIi

Is the Concerto a step up? What is Rowlands best pre-amp?

Are you basing your comments of the Synergy IIi vs. Concerto on a head to head comparrison that you have done?

I have the Synergy IIi and would like to hear feedback from anyone who has done an A/B with these two pre amps.
if you have a Synergy IIi, take it to the next step and run it on batteries like I have. Your rowland dealer can order a custom cable and use two Optoma Marine Batteries! You can see the wiring of the batteries in my system photos of the Optoma Battiers.

Talk about Silence and no expensive Power cables required!

The latest Preamp doesn't have an external power supply. I haven't listened to it to compare it, but it does retail for a lot less than the Synergy IIi did.

I am curious to learn more about the improvements made when you added the batteries to your Synergy and a little info regarding the bateries, connections, charging etc.

Also, though the Concerto is a bit cheaper, how did it perform in comparrison to the Synergy IIi?


Raquel is correct. I asked JRDG about the Concerto and Synergy IIi and was told that the Synergy IIi would be slightly better because of the separate power supply, slightly quieter background I believe is what they said; but I believe you would be splitting hairs.

Personally I wouldn't hesitate to purchase the Concerto if interested in a Rowland preamp.

i am also interested in getting more details on how to make this work (connections, charging, etc.). thx