Any fellow VAC Phi 220 owners out there? Thoughts?

I am absolutely thrilled with my VAC Phi 220 monoblocks and was just wondering if any other Phi owners out here share my enthusiasm? These are the best sounding (by far) power amplifiers I have ever heard in my system, and I think one of the best amplifiers I have heard period.

The Phi 220s really do it all with my Vandy 5As, but the midrange and treble reproduction are a cut above any other amplifier I've had in my system. It is the first time I feel like I'm listening to pure music and not an audio system. It's emotional, engaging, and just sounds "right". The 5As simply disappear like never before and are extremely capable of revealing just how good the 220s are.

Sorry if I'm "over the top" with my comments on these, but VAC nailed it with these amps!

Vandertseen Model 5A- Bird's Eye Maple
VAC Phi 220 monoblock amplifiers
EMM Labs DCC2 DAC/preamp
EMM Labs CDSD- SACD/CD transport
Audioquest Sky 72V DBS XLR interconnects
Audioquest Kilimanjaro 72V shotgun biwire speaker cables
Silent Source AC power cords
Custom Power Cord Co. Model 11 Plus for 5A subs
BPT 3.5 Signature Plus balanced line conditioner
Critical Mass Systems platforms for EMM and BPT
Sistrum SP-101 platforms for VAC Phi 220s
Scotty, I've been using TG Audio 688 power cords, and just recently
purchased two VH Audio AirSine cords to try on the VAC Phi 110/110
and my Hydra 4. I've had the Vh Audio cords only a week, so it's too
early to provide any feedback. I'm going to leave them in for a month
and then swap the TG Audio cord back in to listen for audible

The RAL are working out quite well. I'm also experimenting with the Running Springs Duke power conditioner on my 220s. I'm running a Duke for each amp on its own dedicated 20 amp circuit (on opposite phases).

It's funny you mention the AirSine as I might be heading to a friend's house today to do a comparison on the RAL versus the AirSine. Granted, it will not be on my system with the VAC gear, but it might be constructive nonetheless.

I definitely prefer my 220s on the no feedback setting. When I start to add feedback, the music loses a lot of air and openess. It is like a veil has been placed on my entire system. It is still very musical, but in the context of listening with no negative feedback, the shortcomings are readily apparent. According to Kevin, the use of feedback is system dependent so let your ears be your guide.

I also have a Phi 2.0 Master Controller on the way! We'll see how it stacks up against the linestage section of the Meitner/EMM DCC2. The Phi amps have a lot of gain and I'm using the DCC2 at the very low end of its volume control (25-35 out of 99) so I'm not sure if that is having a negative impact in any way. Plus I'll be getting a killer phono stage which will leave me no excuse NOT to get a vinyl rig!
Fsarc, wouldn't it be relatively easy for you and your friend to swap RAL
and AirSine cords for a week or so? Seems like this would be an ideal
way for each of you to try excellent new cords in your own systems?

Have fun with the Phi2.0!

Tvad- FWIW, I brought my RAL to my friend's house and compared it to the AirSine on his Tact 2.2x and the results even shocked him. Taking into account this was not a long term test, the results were readily apparent and immediate in favor of the RAL. The bass was tighter and quicker, with the AirSine sounding bloated and lagging behind the rest of the music. The top end was much more extended with a great sense of air around instruments and vocals. Overall, the RAL was extremely balanced from top to bottom and made his system sound much more musical.

My 30 day audition period of the RAL is coming to a close and they are not going anywhere. They have sounded fabulous in my system. The AirSine was top on my list to comapre against the RAL and I did that today. I know it was not in my system, but I heard what I heard. I plan on trying the RAL Paradise interconnect for 30 days against my AQ Sky. I like to do things one at a time....
Fsarc, considering the possible differences in synergy between tube and
SS, I thought it might be beneficial to hear them both in your system. I
respect that you've made your choice. Perhaps I'll walk the walk and
order a pair of RAL to compare to the AirSine.