Any fellow VAC Phi 220 owners out there? Thoughts?

I am absolutely thrilled with my VAC Phi 220 monoblocks and was just wondering if any other Phi owners out here share my enthusiasm? These are the best sounding (by far) power amplifiers I have ever heard in my system, and I think one of the best amplifiers I have heard period.

The Phi 220s really do it all with my Vandy 5As, but the midrange and treble reproduction are a cut above any other amplifier I've had in my system. It is the first time I feel like I'm listening to pure music and not an audio system. It's emotional, engaging, and just sounds "right". The 5As simply disappear like never before and are extremely capable of revealing just how good the 220s are.

Sorry if I'm "over the top" with my comments on these, but VAC nailed it with these amps!

Vandertseen Model 5A- Bird's Eye Maple
VAC Phi 220 monoblock amplifiers
EMM Labs DCC2 DAC/preamp
EMM Labs CDSD- SACD/CD transport
Audioquest Sky 72V DBS XLR interconnects
Audioquest Kilimanjaro 72V shotgun biwire speaker cables
Silent Source AC power cords
Custom Power Cord Co. Model 11 Plus for 5A subs
BPT 3.5 Signature Plus balanced line conditioner
Critical Mass Systems platforms for EMM and BPT
Sistrum SP-101 platforms for VAC Phi 220s
I wanted to hear them both in my system also, but I have 4 RAL cords, and he didn't have at least 2 cords with 15A ends. We were going to introduce one AirSine into my system about 2 weeks ago when he came over, but he forgot the AirSine at home :-(

You really have nothing to lose with the RAL cords as even return freight is covered if you don't like them. Are you still using the Paradise interconnects?
Still using, and loving the Paradise IC. In fact, I may participate in the auction for the iPod interconnect.
FSarc, where are you going to post your VAC Phi 2.0 Master Control findings when you receive it?
Most of the gang in this thread has already joined the fun on a new thread that is helping me decide on my ultimate tubed balanced linestage: Vac Ren II, VAC Phi, Arc Ref 3, and the mighty Aesthetix Callisto are all in the running. If you wish to join, please visit us at
See you there! Guido