Pass Alep2

I'm considering to upgrade the Alep5 to be Alep2. I saw one pair posting here but don't know it's expensive or not. Have anyone here know what is the new retail price of Pass Alep2?

Appreciate your answer.

i don't know about the price but they are some smooth sounding amps.i had the the pass 3 but not the 5. the 2's are way ,way pass the 3's.i really cannot see you going wrong with purchasing a pr. shop around because i underpriced mine for a quick sale, there may be someone ready to do the same.i have cary 300se signatures,cary 805 c's and they sound great but not better than the pass 2's.
thinking back i think i sold mine just to try something new.some audio items i've learned just sound right .
good luck !! TY
Thank for the comment above especially Condoe. Of course, I' the owner of Pass 3 and Pass 5 with both Pass preamp L and P. The Alep5 is sound not good as Alep3. However,I use qite a big speaker (Dunlavy IV/A) so I require more power and Alep5 is my choice. If people here heard that the Alep2 is better or pass the 3, I think it's time that I can invest. May be I need to ask Mr. Pass himself on his opinion.

Appreciate your comment.

Best Regards.
I have owned a few pair of Aleph 2s and currently own a pair which was manufactured one month before the Aleph line was discontinued in 1999, this pair I am keeping. Prices on Alephs 2 have actually gone up from what they were a few years ago. Then if you were lucky you could pick up a pair for around $2400, today its $2800 to perhaps $3400 if in prestine condition. These are great amps. I also own the Aleph 3 which is also a great amp if you can get by with 30 WPC. Matched with Audio Physic Virgos and a good tube preamp and listed to jazz and acoustic music it does not get much better. The Aleph 2 and 3 has the same sonic signature. If you want one get it while you can.
Pass Labs kept a pair of Aleph 2's. They compare all of their new products to the Aleph 2 sound. That says it all.
Again, thank for the good comment here. I just have one question in mind, since the amp is running very hot. If I have to purchase the unit that probably produced in year 97, do you think that they might have some parts degarde that effect to the sound quality? Also, can I use it for another 5-7 year from now?

Thank for everybody who contribute to the question.
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