Musical SS Amp Under $350 w/ Adcom GFP 565 Pre Amp

Currently using a Adcom 535II (60WPC), I am pleased with this particular amp, BUT.. am I missing something at this price point? Currently running a pair of Monitor Audio S8's. Thanks for any input...
Search ebay for Nikko amps. They have an exceptional built quality and excellent sound and plenty of power for the money you seek.
B&K ST140. Tubelike sound, excellent build quality. Great factory support. ~$200-250 on audiogon.
I looked at some of your recent posts and something seems to be getting to you about your current set-up. Have you been able to quantify that there is something missing from your system's sound or are you just torturing yourself thinking that there must be something that you can upgrade (like so many of us here)? Your set-up really seems OK (Adcom pre & power; Onkyo/PS Audio transport/DAC; Monitor Audio speakers) and I don't think that $350 will provide you with the "heads & shoulders" next level type of upgrade.

Regards, Rich