Tube rolling suggestions

I purchased a Rogue M150 several months ago (my first tube gear). I would like to try some tube rolling and have a few questions I could use some help with. Which tubes have the greatest affect on the sound of the amp Input, Driver or Output? Any suggestions regarding replacement tubes and their characteristics will be appreciated? The stock tubes in each mono block are all Electro Harmonix, drivers are (2) 12AU7, input is (1) 12 AX7, Output are (4) KT88.
Thanks in Advance
FWIW. I got more satisfaction out of fiddling with interconnects between my Zeus and pre-amp than I did out of tube swapping. As the 12ax7's are long lived, cost of replacing your favorite NOS is no big deal I reckon, but I liked the idea of finding a cable that worked well with the relatively cheap current production tubes and found contentment that way. The limited amount of tube swapping I did always got me 'different and better than the other in some ways on some source material' but never 'just plain better'. Good luck!

The GE 5751 on Tube Depot is a "standard" 2-mica grayplate. Am not familiar with it, but the 3-mica blackplate is the one usually considered the tube of choice, at least according to Joe's Tube Lore. They sound very nice but are much more expensive.

The $50.00 RCA's are the 3-mica blackplates, probably of late 50's vintage. This is the type I keep coming back to in my Rogues. A good, strong pair should last quite a while. They can also be found on e-bay often enough and if bid at the right time, can be had for between $50.00 and $80.00 per pair.
Ive found on a transparent system the 12au7's make a large diffrence on the zeus. to me the RCA Long Black plates are just endlessly listenable, while not ruler flat in responce the width, depth, is just staggering.The rca clear tops are fine on some material but seem too colored.
On My old 120's I found the tunsgram 12ax7 was nice though i didnt have many to roll. I had a NOS Pair USAF 5751 Black plate triple sylvania's that just put everything over the top. The guy with the hot highs on the 150's harness that sound and enjoy you will miss it if you every switch.
Thanks for everyone's input. I purchased a pair of NOS RCA 5751 3 mica black plate tubes from Jeff and they really made a positive difference, primarily better imaging and tighter base.