Selling McCormack Upgraded Gear

No, I'm not selling mine - huh-uh, no way, never. Well, not unless I go to monoblocks.

Anyway, I notice most people agree McCormack's revisions make his gear comparable to stuff at much higher prices, yet I've noticed sellers on a'gon have relative difficulty selling the modded stuff at even reasonable prices (the Rev. A DNA-0.5 seems to be an exception for some reason.)

As an example, someone had monoblock rev. A DNA-1's on here, couldn't sell them at $3600 through classifieds, and I think he then auctioned them. I didn't get to see the final price, but I think the bid was about $2750 with half an hour left. There's a rev. A RLD-1 for $2600 that has been listed for over 2 months now.

Anyone have insight on why it's so difficult to sell these pieces? As a follow-up, are you losing money when you sell modded equipment across the board, or do some mods "hold their value" in resale, so to speak?
Interestingly, an older-modded DNA-1 Rev. A was sold this week on a'gon for $1050!! I don't think the ad lasted an hour. On the other hand, the DNA-2 Rev. A+ and B amps are still on the market after quite some time, contributing to probably both PHD's theory and the previous theory that you can only expect to get about 50% of the new price and 25% of your mod investment back on resale.
Aggielaw, I seen that ad as well! It is possible that the seller might of purchased this DNA-1 Rev.A with the revision "A" already installed so maybe he did't lose too much money on this sale. I think most of us would prefer to buy this amp for only a $100.00 more than buy a Deluxe model which currently is going for $950.00. That is definately a no brainer! Anyway this may be a buyers market, for sellers I hope that changes in the near future as we all been sellers at one time or another.
The best way to reduce the risk of losing money on the sale of a modded amp is to buy it used. That way, it has already have the depreciation hit. It takes a little patience while you're waiting for that modified amp to show in the listings, but it's worth it if you have any thoughts of re-selling later. I did this myself when I wanted to try a DNA-2 modified by Steve. I picked up an A+ Platinum revision for a good price, listened to it for a couple weeks, and re-sold it for what I paid. Had I paid retail for the modification, I'd have lost a bundle.

Phd, I liked it, but I liked my VAC Phi 110/110 tube amp better. It was a tough call. In the end, acoustic music on the VAC sounded more real...and for me, that's the test.