Selling McCormack Upgraded Gear

No, I'm not selling mine - huh-uh, no way, never. Well, not unless I go to monoblocks.

Anyway, I notice most people agree McCormack's revisions make his gear comparable to stuff at much higher prices, yet I've noticed sellers on a'gon have relative difficulty selling the modded stuff at even reasonable prices (the Rev. A DNA-0.5 seems to be an exception for some reason.)

As an example, someone had monoblock rev. A DNA-1's on here, couldn't sell them at $3600 through classifieds, and I think he then auctioned them. I didn't get to see the final price, but I think the bid was about $2750 with half an hour left. There's a rev. A RLD-1 for $2600 that has been listed for over 2 months now.

Anyone have insight on why it's so difficult to sell these pieces? As a follow-up, are you losing money when you sell modded equipment across the board, or do some mods "hold their value" in resale, so to speak?
I believe the reason people have trouble on the Gon selling high end equipment is that it is the wrong audience.

This is a group looking for the "good deal" rather than the good value.

It has become the online audio pawn shop.
Very profound indeed, and in my opinion, right on the mark in a growing majority of instances, Neal.
Tvad, when I refered to tubish, I was talking about solid state amps that come close to sounding like a tube amp thus sounding tubish. For example, Conrad Johnson solid state amps have a warm sound but still very detailed & are known to produce a sound, close to that of a tube amp. But as close as they are, nothing is like the real deal.
PHD, the reason I ask is because many folks comment about certain SS amps having a "tubish" sound, but not all tube amps sound the same, i.e. triode and ultralinear amps sound differently. So, it's not enough to describe a SS amp as "tubish" unless one describes the qualities one attributes to a "tubish" sound. If the VAC Phi 110/110 was heard in a blind test, I doubt a listener hearing it for the first time would describe it as "tubish". That's why I asked the question. I was looking for your description of the sonic qualities that you consider "tubish".
Nealvb, I always thought a pawn shop as selling a little of everything. Audiogon is a specialized website dealing with audio gear & related items only. There are some pretty nice people on this website but there are on occasions some bad apples. Anyhow, most everyone wants a good deal, including myself but I wouldn't want to cheat anyone. If I see two of the same amps for sale in basically the same condition, I'm buying the cheaper one as long as the seller has good feedback.