Selling McCormack Upgraded Gear

No, I'm not selling mine - huh-uh, no way, never. Well, not unless I go to monoblocks.

Anyway, I notice most people agree McCormack's revisions make his gear comparable to stuff at much higher prices, yet I've noticed sellers on a'gon have relative difficulty selling the modded stuff at even reasonable prices (the Rev. A DNA-0.5 seems to be an exception for some reason.)

As an example, someone had monoblock rev. A DNA-1's on here, couldn't sell them at $3600 through classifieds, and I think he then auctioned them. I didn't get to see the final price, but I think the bid was about $2750 with half an hour left. There's a rev. A RLD-1 for $2600 that has been listed for over 2 months now.

Anyone have insight on why it's so difficult to sell these pieces? As a follow-up, are you losing money when you sell modded equipment across the board, or do some mods "hold their value" in resale, so to speak?
Phd, the pawnshop adjective is a metaphor, which clearly at some level you understood. Of course everyone would buy the lesser expensive of two identical products from two identical sellers.

I didn't say you couldn't be a cheap bastard and a nice guy.

Many people appear to be nice guys and vote for limiting our freedoms. Many nice people that haven't got the brains to research a topic much less make an informed decision believe they know what's best for other people.

I'm sure that all the moms of the suicide terrorist think their boys were nice guys too.

Now I'm not accusing any of the gonners of being terrorist. I'm simply lambasting religious and political fanatics and people that choose only on price.

Just like tubeaphiles think tubes are the only way to go when in fact some people prefer what solid state can do to tickle those woofers. I'm pro freedom of choice.

I'm sharing my opinion that there is more to life than just being a nice guy.
Hi Nealvb, I will most definately keep an eye out for those people who make sole decisions based on price only, especially religious & political fanatics. Maybe someone can invent a spyware removal program that can eliminate them before they get to you. Anyway I use both tube & solid state.
Ss396, your right on in regards to supply & demand! Anyway wouldn't that be great if mods were offered at a lower cost initially. I don't think anyone is going to do us audiophiles that big of favor. If you look into the fact that these units have to be disassembled, newer more expensive parts installed, & the man hours to do the work, you end up paying for that expertise. The only way I could think of that would reduce the costs to the consumer, if the person/company doing the mod work had available extra circuit boards that already had the upgrades done to them & they were simply swapped out. Just my opinion.