What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?

Only recently have heard about these pre-amps. Are they as good as they are made out to be? Is the least expensive model as good as say a R0land Synergy? I live in Seattle and have never heard of this pre-amp so any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jerry.
I have been working with Emmanuel and have just had a 4 chassis Presence Deluxe MK2 hot-rodded version upgraded to Paramount Plus and the Vishay Attenuator package. I also had him reconfigure to the standard version w/ multiple inputs.
I had the regular Presence Deluxe MK2 before this. My impressions are as follows:

1. Even the "lowly" Presence Deluxe MK2 is superior to anything near it 4k price range. It is quiet, smooth and does everything a preamp should do - accurately preamplify the music signal while adding no signature of its own.

2. The 4 chassis hot rod version goes a number of steps beyond. You get all of the above and more. Channel separation of course is primo. There is an immediacy and closeness to the music that really helps emotionally connect one to the music. It is one of the best preamps out there at any price. Because of the inconvenience of the single input I was going to sell it. I found nothing that bested it. I found a couple for 10k and above that came close.

3. Instead of selling it I decided to make this my last preamp. I contacted Emmanuel and he worked with me and upgraded the preamp as well as converting it to multiple sources. I read in Guidocorona's post that there are tradeoffs between the Hot Rod (more musical purity)and regular version, and I must agree. However I was totally unprepared for the sound revelation I had when I listen to the Paramount Plus and Vishay attenuators. I won't go on and on here, but suffice it to say that this has got to be on a short list of the world's BEST preamps. I was not prepared because I could not imagine the sound becoming that much better than what I already had. But it did.

I have no affiliation w/ Emmanuel BUT that being said I cannot say enough about his customer service, almost fanatical dedication to MUSIC (I mean that IS why we're here right?) and his products.

I would be happy to expand on my experiences concerning these preamps. email me and I would be happy to give you my number and chat.
In comparing FS with CAT, i found CAT the clear winner.

Very different-CAT with strong dynamics and a stark, very clear sound that cuts through-if you have the right system that would complement and can handle those attributes, might be an excellent match.

The CAT on the other hand, immediately reeks of class and musicality-smooth, lush yet concise, vibrant. The First Sound might be 2% clearer, but IMO the CAT's vibrancy and aliveness is considerably more engaging, to me..

Immediately i thought "here's a winner".
Analogbass, I am assuming you meant the FS has "strong dynamics and a stark, very clear sound that cuts through...", right? Im going nuts waiitng for my new SL-1 to arrive. I also had the Presence Deluixe whch was really wonderful (I miss it), but so much has changed in my system since i had the FS that there will no way for me to comapre the CAT and ther FS.

celebrat - WELL DONE. I was considering getting a paramount to replace my Presence Deluxe, but none materialzed on here - nobody wants to part with theirs. You did the right thing. It will only get better and better with further break in. Please take a moment when you get a chance and give us more details about how the upgrade improved the sound!
I misplaced the acronyms, referring to FS in the first instance, as in strong dynamics, stark, clear sound.

I suppose it depends on taste at higher levels, but the CAT jumped out in front in terms of musicality and rightness, immediately inviting, vibrant and silky smooth but not at the expense of anything else that comes to mind. FS on the other hand, had some strong attributes, but was not strikingly musical, beautiful or involving, IMO, as someone who goes with first impressions and then confirms them..
Analogbass - which incarnation of the CAT were you comparing to which FS preamp?