Any opinions on Audiomat Amps?

I have been considering the Thiel CS1.6 and Classe Preamp/Amp for my system. Today, I talked to a local dealer and he indicated that the Thiels are a bit too "bright". His recommendation was to go with Audiomat tube amps and Equation speakers. Any one have any comments? Thanks in advance.

My friend tried that exact system.

He currently used an Audiomat intergrated tube amp.
(FWIW, it has a very nice sound and it seems to have more power than it is rated for.) He has B&W speakers, CDM7's (or something like that) and they sound pretty good too. He then tried the Equation speakers and they give a nice presence to the music, more so than the B&W speakers. However, they lacked quite a bit of bass response, so much so, that my friend went back to the B&W speakers.
Hope that helps. (If you want, you can email me, and I can forward your message to him, assuming he does not read this for himself.)

I think that getting the Audiomat is a good choice, sonically speaking anyway. (I have heard reports of them not being as reliable as they should be, and that their US distributer is not very sympathetic or helpful. That is strictly what I have read on the boards, so take that with a grain of salt.) The Thiels can be a little bright, but a tube amp should tame that, IMHO.
Good Luck!
I considered buying an Audiomat amp because they are supposed to be quite good but decided against it because of a reported incident of the importer. The word used by my friend was not repeatable here...

I would go with an Audio Note Soro SE integrated amp like I did, 18 incredibly robust watts with amazing sound for about $1200 - $1500 used - with phono available.
I have owned both the Audiomat Arpege and the Equation 25 speakers (but not at the same time). My two cents...

The Arpege is a nice clean sounding amp, but fairly weak bass, and lacked 'grip' with most speakers I used it with. Replaced it with a ASL AQ1001DT- a much more enjoyable and cheap amp. Recently I have been using the PrimaLuna Prologue 1- an EL34 integrated like the Audiomat amps. The PrimaLuna is just as fast and clean as the Audiomat, but with much better bass, drive, and a bit of midrange warmth lacking in the Arpege. Personally, I would take the Primaluna or the ASL any day over the Arpege for sonics (must admit the Audiomat amps are much better looking). I have not heard the Prelude and is probably a better amp, but is a lot more expensive.

As to the Equation 25 speaker. They use high quality drivers, well made cabinets, and are voiced for speed and detail- not warm laid back speakers. Also, they are capable of very accurate deep bass. I found these speakers had a lot of potential, but not quite to my taste. My solution has been to use them in a DEQX based system. The DEQX preamp uses DSP to correct speaker frequency response, driver time alignment and phase, as well as performs digital room correction. My amps are Granite Audio tube monoblocks. The DEQX corrected Equation speakers are a whole different animal- just the right balance of speed, detail, warmth, and deep coherent bass. The DEQX is the real deal.

There should be many threads on Thiels and tubes in the archives- may not be the easiest speakers to drive with tubes. Many less expensive tube/speaker combinations that would probably be more satisfying than the Equation/Audiomat gear. Fine equipment, but requires a lot of time and effort to get the best out of it.