Any opinions on Audiomat Amps?

I have been considering the Thiel CS1.6 and Classe Preamp/Amp for my system. Today, I talked to a local dealer and he indicated that the Thiels are a bit too "bright". His recommendation was to go with Audiomat tube amps and Equation speakers. Any one have any comments? Thanks in advance.

I'd agree the Audiomat Arpege has issues with the bass and a treble that tends to roll off, but this thing MAKES MUSIC, which is more than I can say for the majority of solid-state and digital amps I've auditioned in the last few years... The midrange is truly superb and almost makes up for its shortcomings.

Haven't heard the Prelude, but the top dog Opera is in another class altogether: fully class A topology, high-grade parts throughout, superb build quality, with high-quality O/P trannies that represent a large proportion of its admittedly elevated cost. It's BY FAR the best amp I've heard in my system and supremely musical yet accurate.

I've compared it to the likes of:

Pathos new Classic One
Bel Canto eVo2i
DK Designs VS1-1
Cayin 265Ai
Vecteur I-4
Bent TVC / Bryston 3B-SST
Bent TVC / Audio Research 100.2
Bent TVC / Threshold S-5000e
Bent TVC / ICE H20 digital
Audiomat Arpege Reference

The Audiomat gear alone made MUSIC in my system.
I posted a thread asking "what power cord for the prelude"
The only reponse I got was from the individual that reveiwed the Arpege for soundstage a while back...In his words:

I reviewed the Arpege for SoundStage! and later sold the Audiomat line in my part-time shop. The Prelude is my favorite amp of the lot. As far as power cords go, I really liked the Custom Power Cord Company Top Gun HCFi. I thought there was excellent synergy between the Audiomat and the HCFi. I haven't heard the Elrod with them though

I have not had any problem with week bass on the Prelude
The Arpege is another story
F1a, MOST quality tube amps make better music than MOST solid state or digital amps, so this is no real special credit to the Arpege. Audiomats are fine amps. I just think you can do better for the price, and MUCH better in the peace of mind department as far as service from the importer or dealer (remember,most Audiomat dealers don't keep the line for too long).

You mention that the Prelude and Opera beats the Pathos, well, I hope so at over twice the price ! I think this says more about the Pathos than it says about the Audiomat...Consider the low resale value for such high-priced equipment and the Audiomat just isn't a good deal. However, if you are sure to keep the gear for the long haul,(right) resale value is not an issue.
I had the Arpege for three years. Worked great always. NOS Mullards on the input tubes brought out killer mid range. Lows and highs were OK. Sold the amp for what I paid for it in a week. Only sold it to upgrade to VAC and Audio Research seperates. I am a satisfied customer.
I own an Audiomat Prelude. With the Vecteur L4.2 cdp, driving B&W N803s. On paper may not be the best match, because the B&Ws are current hungry, but the 30wpc tube amp drives the speakers amazingly well. The system has musicality and magic. When and if circumstances permit, I may well upgrade to the Equation speakers. I heard the 35s recently for a brief while and they are mighty good.