Which Krell to hunt down on the used market?

I heard that late models of Krell have gone down in quality - is this true?

Then which models should I hunt for? Should I change the capacitors on units more than 10 years old?

Thanks for the voice of experience...
Personally I like the KAS2. To my ears, they have both positives of FPB and KSA S Series. It is definitely better than KSA300S I have heard in every aspect, yet it has treble trasnparency character that FPB cx series has but in a lesser extent. For all new or old series Krell amps, I strongly recommend to give them a dedicated 20A line per amp. If you haven't done so, give it shot for a great treat. You may also conclude that it doens't sound anything like the anemic Krell sound that many have been complained about.
Slightly off topic here but I am guessing you all might know the answer:

Do the older Krells, like the KSA series or the early FPB series, have a remote trigger for turning it on and off?

I have searched for user manuals on-line, but have not found anything but the current model's information.

Just upgraded from KSA-200s to a FPB-300cx. I'd say the quality is up not down. The cx is much more musical. I recall the old KSA250s were very harsh but super dynamic and wonderful in the lower end.