Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.

Based on some of your commends and a sparse BFS review, I'm taking the plunge. I really hope it will sound good in my system. The guy I bought it from says it's ultra smooth, lush, and just seductive. He also carries the DK VS1 integrated and prefers the Jungson sound over the DK. The Jungson LE is supposed to have better build quality and sells for $1300 less! Any comments on the Jungson is welcome.
Oh yes Greenwood exit 99 or 103? Sekei is about 10 minutes off I65, exit 64 I think, a touch south of Columbus.

Andy has the 99C/JA1 in his reference. Same as the 88D but in seperates.

BW Maxx
Actually I'm off old Meridian street just south of I-465.

The wife just looked up their location and I'll see about driving down there one of these days. I would like to see what they have on display. Looks like their open 9:00 to 5:00 Mon. thru Fri................Pat
Sekei isn't at the address listed at the website. Andy has a regular day time job and runs the business out of his house so you need to call to demo.

Except for the primary system there usually isn't much on display. By the time his shipment arrives. Almost everything is already sold. He usually has a few items not already sold. But not many. His next shipment is scheduled to be received in mid July.

BW Maxx
I just received the Jungson 88D and love the way this amp looks and sounds. This is one of the best integrated amps I've heard out of the many that I have owned over the years. Being a class A amp it is very important to use a high quality power cord; I've tryed the Signal Cable and a few others and found the Purist Dominus was the best choice to really bring out every last ounce of performance that this amp has to offer. The Dominus AC really showed what this amp is capable of doing on the bottom end and brought out more air and extension to the top end; the midrange is gorgeous.