Best power tube for Rogue Audio M120 Magnum

My Sovtek Kt88 are starting to go,anyone have good results with Electro Harmonix kt88eh or JJ Tesla kt88 or shuguang?
Liked the sound from the Sovteks,smooth and balanced top to bottom,but maybe time for a difference.Thanks,ludimagis
I bought a quad of EH KT-88`s for my Rogue Eighty-Eight. I agree with Eddaytona's comments. A great tube for the money.
Try Tung-sol 6550 tubes .It sound better than KT-88. I switch from stock KT 88 to Tung-sol 6550 and keept it. Thanks.
Scott, ABSOLUTELY these are all personal opinions, but that's what ludi asked for.

Issue 19 of 'Vacuum Tube Valley' ( ) found the Ei KT90 to be, overall, the best current-production 6550/'88/'90. You might order that issue and LEARN a lot.
Thanks for responding,ended up purchasing the KT-90EH,described as being a little more dynamic than the Kt-88's.Good Listening!