New H20 Signature S250

After reaading a lot of reviews about these amps, i emailed Henry to build me (2) S250 to biamp my speakers, I have an immediate response from him and this is what he say:

Hi Patrick,

The Amps are the Signature Stereo which has an addional Big Toroidal
transfomrer which makes it a true dual mono design, for $300 more which
makes the amp now $2800. Of course, The amp is improved over the
regular stereo across the whole Audio Spectrum. If you want the regular
version stereo, let me know.

Thanks for the number and I'll try to give you a call sometime today.


Does anyone yet owned this amp?

I just auditioned the sig S250 and it didn't like my Transparent Ref networked cables. Henry suggested this would happen to me, but I have long cable runs and couldn't easily find a good substitute cable without it getting real spendy.

My friend also auditioned one (he doesn't have networked cables) and placed an order. He's in love.

If anyone wants to donate 26 foot quality speaker cables, I'd place an order right away.
Woodburger, and all, if you can get past the price, which is $1600/pair, and think of them as world class digital amps, I'd suggest trying the Channel Islands Audio D100 monos (100wpc) designed by Dusty Vawter or the NuForce Reference 8 monos (100wpc) modified by Ric Shultz of EVS. Ric is a dealer for the NuForce amps, and sells them with his Level 1 mod included in the price. 30 day MBG. I heard the original 70wpc Reference 8 monos and thought they were incredibly clear, transparent and tight, but a touch sterile. Ric claims his mod corrects the sterility and makes them very musical. In fact, Ric gave up on the design of his own IcePower based amps when he heard the NuForce. I have a pair ordered.

Dusty Vawter's CI Audio D100 monos are tremenously musical amps. These also sell for $1600 direct from CI Audio. I presently have a pair of the D100 in my system.

I have been trying to find a low-cost replacement for my VAC Phi 110/110. I don't know yet if either of these digital amps will do it, since it's too early in the break-in process to judge, but I can say the 70wpc NuForce were amazing in their own right, and just three days out of the box, the D100 monos would be my choice over the Bryston 4B SST that I once owned.

Woodburger, I should add that I'm using 30 foot speaker cables, and neither amps have had a problem. The length of my cables was the primary reason for my post.

What problem did you have? I run MIT cables (that I love! - but not as much as my wife) and am curious what problems you had sonic wise.
It was odd. As if the mix of certain CDs (and not all of them) had been altered... some things were pushed farther into the mix. I had to turn it up to an uncomfortable point to retrieve them. I also thought (not really sure about this due to the fact I have a new room) that bass was emphasized.

I want to point out Henry Ho said that the network boxes would screw things up, and I believe he was right. He's a good guy with a good product at a great price.

I had three days listening with Anti-Cables after that, and thought they were much more harmonically correct than my Transparent Refs with the H20, but I couldn't fall in love for whatever reason - and it might have been listener's fatigue, to be honest with you and myself.

The H20 is a very very clean amp, IMHO, and if ever I can figure out how to listen to it on what I'd deem worthy wire without spending a fortune, I'd love to listen again. My goal was to get away from the tubes/retubing of my VT100 MKII - a great amp - just that I prefer the thought of no warm up, etc.

I search for a word - would have to say the VT is "cushioned" versus my brief run with the Anti-cables and H20 S250 sig... that combo was more dynamic and very very clean.