New H20 Signature S250

After reaading a lot of reviews about these amps, i emailed Henry to build me (2) S250 to biamp my speakers, I have an immediate response from him and this is what he say:

Hi Patrick,

The Amps are the Signature Stereo which has an addional Big Toroidal
transfomrer which makes it a true dual mono design, for $300 more which
makes the amp now $2800. Of course, The amp is improved over the
regular stereo across the whole Audio Spectrum. If you want the regular
version stereo, let me know.

Thanks for the number and I'll try to give you a call sometime today.


Does anyone yet owned this amp?
Mrcaspence1 - thanks for the info. My original intent was to use the 390S direct to the Sig S250. However, in another thread, I believe someone was going to use the AA player direct and was advised not to. Might work out provided the ICs are low capacitance.
Warning to all who have an interest in hearing the H2O:

The H2O will spotlight any system deficiencies you probably were never aware of before.

For instance, occasionally we hear from MIT cable users complaining about harsh highs, and recessed mids they get from the H2O.

The H2O gets mixed into a lot of systems highly evolved along the intention of coaxing a favorable sound out of digital, and solid state. Some of those fixes severely interfere with the pure signal. They may change things for the positive in that system. The H2O, just doing what it does so well, will only magnify the actual wounds inflicted on the music by those "fixes."

The H2O will demand just as rigorous a search for the best system. It will encourage simple circuits, clean cabling, rich power sources, and revealing speakers.
I heard my H20 stereo unit in a highly evolved Tact system and the unit maintained its basic sound signature relative to other amps I heard in that system.

The preamp used is very important and should be of high quality as well as impedance compatible to hear the H20 at its best.

Well, if anyone has doubts about Henry and H2O Audio, I can say that my experience has been first class. Placed my order last weekend, amp arrived today. Removed my prior amp, placed the Signature S250 and listened. What an incredible improvement and I'm no where near the break-in that other folks have reached. Henry did burn it in for 2 days on his Apogee's. In my experience, it is like comparing an unbloomed rose to one in full bloom. The S250 is that rose in full bloom. It is letting so many more musical events through that have gone unheard. It is detailed, but not analytical, great PRAT, dynamics, wide soundstage and great imaging. I could go on and on....
But as always, YMMV.