Progressive Rock

Have any of you specifically built your system to listen to progressive rock, i.e. Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd, etc.? I'm curious because I have, and was wondering what components you have found that lend themselves well to this particular type of music. The reason I asks is that I attended the Home Entertainment show last month in NYC. And not one of the rooms I visited were playing rock of any kind - and they did not seem receptive to taking request - especially at the volume I would need to hear before plunking down oh say $12,000 for a pair of speakers. Any incite you care to share is appreciated. Thanks, Matt...

While I think that Camel and Caravan have lapsed a bit past their prime I did get to see them play at NEARfest a few years ago and they still played with a lot of intensity for a bunch of old farts! My favorite Caravan album remains In The Land Of Gray & Pink, while Camel's Mirage is one of my all time greats.

Ken Golden
I built my system around Vandersteen 2CE sigs. Tube Audio design 150 Preamp, McCormack DNA-1 power, Just bought an Eatern Electric CDP. I like the set up because all these components are nuetral and well-balanced. A lot of energy with the McCormack Amp. Great soundstage by all these units.
I have to admit never being familiar with the Legacy Focus 20/20, but after Chad's comment, I decided to check out the Stereophile review, and I have to say they are very interesting. Beautiful, too.
KEN GOLDEN IS THE #$&***!!! ... this guy is at all the big prog festivals and Lasers Edge (his label) puts out some of the finest brain fry endorphin rock ever released!! The Addition by Subtraction, Neblenest and Volare discs alone put him in the history books. It's great to see him posting!!!
Yo Duane!!

Thanks for the endorsement. We've got a monster prog rock disc coming out in a few weeks you should check out. The band is called "Wobbler". They are the opening band at NEARfest this year.

Bob Katz did the mastering and it is drool worthy. It is one of the most dynamic rock recordings I've ever heard - this disc EXPLODES. Mellotrons, flutes, Hammond organ, Rickenbacker bass, Moogs, ARPs, grand piano, electric and acoustic guitar and percussion up the ying-yang. It's totally over the top prog and an extremely transparent recording to boot.

I'm always happy to talk prog...always happy to talk audio...extremely happy to talk about both at the same time.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge