New YBA equipment... Old YBA

I heard something about YBA, re-engineering and introducing a new line in the US? Is this old news? has it already been introduced and if it has, when? And was there a new name disignation. I'm thinking purchasing YBA, Passion Intgrated and CD 2. But I get confused when I see the Alpha, Delta and now a Sigma series? How can I tell them apart? I saw an ad on a passion saying it was a new Version with a blue light instead of the old Green? Did they change the amp or just the light.

Thanks for your help.
>> save yourself some money and buy a good DVD player as a
>> transport.

well said indeed!
some months ago I bought a SOny DVP-S7000 DVD player to use as a transport (with a Scott Nixon DAC) & I have not looked back at all! Betters my older H/K 1-box CD player. Is inferior to my modified Wadia 861SE but gives the latter a good run for the money (& it's a stock DVP-S7000 unit!).
Hencamp, Of course, the CD-1 blue-laser is my most fantastic CDP. The most analog sounding CDP I've ever had. However, it is a bit tricky CD Player IMO. You may try turning off the player everytime whenever you want to change the CD. The CD-1 can't read the number of songs on your second CD if it contains more songs than the previous CD you've just taken it off, but it'd be no problem if the second CD has less songs than the previous one. Strangely but true, this player require you to put a CD in place before you can turn it on, if not, it won't read anything. Think that would help.
Benn, there should be a switch to initialize the player before pressing play. This will read the disk the same as a front loading player does when you close the drawer. I once had a CD3 and it had this switch. Plop a disc on, initialize, play.
i also had a similar problem with my cd3 delta. i got some info from them on how to clean the lens and i did that and now it wont play any cds. lame styles! so today i sent it off to be repaired. hopefully this helps.
ive heard that you can upgrade the cd3 delta. is this true and has anyone here done that?