Digital Amp's

Hi All,
I was wondering what everyone thinks of the newer Digital Amps that are becoming more common. I think these Amps are known as Class D amps. Belcanto is one company that seems to be pushing this line, but most seem to be coming from the giants like yamaha and panasonic.

What are the pros and cons of these AMP's over your everyday Class A/AB amp?
Any recommendations or condemnations for digital amps?

Thanks in Advance
You can't judge ICE amps one any one you've heard. I've owned two, and heard three. It's hard to believe they all share the same PWM module.

PWM amps are more system dependent than any solid state I've owned. They love big power supplies in all attending components, and they want shielded power cords.

I'm having my DAC and transport modded. Every subtle improvement matters, one would never hear with any solid state IMO.
Eldartford, In my world, in my system, a 100 watt Class A amps sound the best. In your world, digital 600 Watt amps float your boat thats fine. To each there own.
Faziod, There are people, including I, who have heard the H2O, and very fine
Class A amps, on the same system. None preferred the Class A. BTW, No H2O
has gone to anyone for a mod, other than the builder.
I wonder about zero feedback amps. Haven't heard any. has anyone? How would you characterize their sound vs. the new digital amps?
My Pass had zero feedback. These days, zero feedback is not an unusual thing. In fact, there are "digital" amps that employ zero feedback.