Power Amps for Kharma

I currently have the following set up: Meinter CDSD transport & DCC2, Linn Klimaxx mono blocks, Kharma 2.3F speakers, Kharma interconnects, Shunyata power cords & Hyda 8.

Though I do actually like the Klimaxx vs most solid state amps I've heard. big Krells, Spectrum, Pass Labs, Hovland Radia etc, I am sure there are others that may be worth experimenting with.

But perhaps more importantly, I've never owned or exposed extensively to tubes. Plus what is generally described as tube sound sounds appealing to me: more air, transparency, a bit of inner warm glow (without being excessively colored hopefully) in the mid range.

Having said that given the Kharmas do not extend to the lowest registers of bass, an amp that can help on this, though not resolve as it is impossible, would help too. Or perhaps I shld investigate Kharma's new sub.

So any recommendations? From the media and Audiogon I gather Lamms would be a good match. But would like to investigate more. Also rated power with tubes is so confusing for me, SETs vs push pull...what is needed? Any help would be most appreciated.
Thanks for the comments. What about WAVAC, Cary, BAT amplfiers? What are the rough power guidelines for SET, push pull etc tube amps if I want drive the Kharmas?
If I can add my 2 cents.My pal has a Rowland 8t,driving Kharma model 1's.He has a high res set-up as well,and is getting truly high quality sound.Particularly well controlled,and deep,tuneful bass.Also,and importantly,he gets a superb degree of timbral accuracy,normally associated with all tube systems,though his is a hybrid(tubes in phonostage).
What about the new Karma Amps??? They aren't that expensive, and sound great wth the Karma speakers...
Ive been using the Thor TPA 30 watt monos with the Kharma 1.0 with great results. For air and transparency they are incredible .Build quality is exceptional. The other great thing is they are completely idiot proof to use.Thor Audio may not be the biggest name in Audio, but for certain its one of the best! A new review of ther mk2 TPA30 is avaialble at www.soundstage.com Good luck on your choice.
FWIW, Kharma's were voiced using Lamm amps. I have found both ML2 and ML1.1's to work quite well with my 3.2's.