Power Amps for Kharma

I currently have the following set up: Meinter CDSD transport & DCC2, Linn Klimaxx mono blocks, Kharma 2.3F speakers, Kharma interconnects, Shunyata power cords & Hyda 8.

Though I do actually like the Klimaxx vs most solid state amps I've heard. big Krells, Spectrum, Pass Labs, Hovland Radia etc, I am sure there are others that may be worth experimenting with.

But perhaps more importantly, I've never owned or exposed extensively to tubes. Plus what is generally described as tube sound sounds appealing to me: more air, transparency, a bit of inner warm glow (without being excessively colored hopefully) in the mid range.

Having said that given the Kharmas do not extend to the lowest registers of bass, an amp that can help on this, though not resolve as it is impossible, would help too. Or perhaps I shld investigate Kharma's new sub.

So any recommendations? From the media and Audiogon I gather Lamms would be a good match. But would like to investigate more. Also rated power with tubes is so confusing for me, SETs vs push pull...what is needed? Any help would be most appreciated.
FWIW, Kharma's were voiced using Lamm amps. I have found both ML2 and ML1.1's to work quite well with my 3.2's.
I truly love the little 3.2's,though I don't own them.I have heard them with the new Kharma amps,which to me are not nearly in the league as some other amps.The Cary 805's I would think can be a viable match,but the best I've heard,and by a long shot,are the Lamm amps.

I still have a hunch that the 805's could "DO" the Kharma's to the max,and for less than half the price of the Lamm gems,and I suspect the Canary Audio amps are also "KILLER".

Not surprisingly,my pal gets fabulous sound on his 1.0's with the solid state Rowland 8t.These amps have a stunning tube like timbral balance,with incredible control over his 11 inch woofers.Any thoughts of the Kharma sub in his set-up would be overkill,as he has an excellent "hardwalled" room,and is loading the room very well.Just my 2 cents.Good luck to all you lucky Kharma users!!
Thanks to all. Can somebody explain to me the key sound and power (ability to drive Kharmas in particular) btwn SET & push pull?
after living with Kharma's on both Tenor OTL's and Hybrids, and spending considerable time listening to Kharma's on Lamm tubed and hybrid amps....you owe it to yourself to try Kharma's with the DarTZeel NHB-108's. i just spent 4 months with the DarTZeel on the 4 ohm Midi Exquisite's in my very large room......all i can say is WOW!

not that there is any 'one' best amp......but it would be difficult to imagine a better overall match for the Kharma 3.2's......which are a much easier load than the Midi Exquisite's i was using. the DarTZeel sounds less ss than the Lamm Hybrids.....yet has a lower percieved noise floor than the Lamm and has the inner textures of the Tenor Hybrid.

i strongly recommend an audition of the DarTZeel.

if you want a little more of a 'lush' sound (only compared with the DarTZeel) then the Tenor Hybrids would be my top choice.

i would add that any of the Lamm's are excellent matches with the Kharma's.

i have both the Tenor Hybrids and the DarTZeel in my room now.

as far as some of your questions regarding bass performance on Kharma's, tube 'watts', adding subs, the whole ss and tube 'sound' issue, SET vs PP.....e-mail me and we can talk more about my experiences. i type too slow for any kind of coherent answer on so wide a range of questions.