tube amp will drive von schweikert VR4-jr?

Need assistance -
Do you owners of VSA VR4-jr have experience driving them with any tube amp ?
i'm considering moving towards tubes but not sure they will have enough power for the speakers.
I run mine with Quicksilver M80 tube monoblocks (80 watts per) and they sound great. They don't seem to be lacking in power at all with the VR4-jr. I recommend looking into the Quicksilver V4 tube monoblocks (conservatively rated at 120 watts per). I would love to here that combination and at some point plan on it!
I'm running mine with a Premier 11A (70Wpc). I am going to try bi-amping but with just the one amp, they seem to be adequately driven at the listening level I prefer.
More power the better. Used VTL 300's with good results, Also hurricanes, cary v-12 ect. Now using rogue Zeus, they need ever bit of that power to really get going.
You bet! Albert voices and shows with VAC tube equipment and he drove a pair of 4Jr in Vegas with Kevin's PHI Beta integrated amp with 110w/side and they sounded fantastic.
I use both Von Schweikert and VAC, and on some level, I think it's just wrong from a price-point standpoint to display the VR4Jr speakers with a $19,000 integrated amp.

How many buyers of the VR4Jr speakers are going to be seriously looking at VAC Phi Beta amplification? And, vice versa, how many purchasers of the VAC Phi Beta are going to be considering the VR4Jr loudspeakers to complete their systems?

Put a Ferrari engine in a Chrysler Crossfire, and I bet it'd be a smokin' ride, too.