Preamp to pair with an Adcom GFA-555 mkII

Hi, I have an Adcom GFA-555 mkII amp, and a pair of NHT Super Ones. I'd like to hear opinions on what type of preamp would pair well with them. I love clear detailed vocals with little coloration, and a wide soundstage. I listen to a mix of music, rock, r&b, jazz, classical. Any ideas? I'm also open to ideas on speakers. Oh, preamp budget is <$500; speakers <$300 (also need to be on the bookshelf or mini-monitor size). Thanks!
Thanks for all the replies. The suggestions sound great, and I checked out the preamps suggested. I read elsewhere too that the LS-1 was a good match. I think I will stay with my NHTs too. If there are more suggestions for preamps, keep them coming, especially those with phono inputs.
I had a CJ PV10 with that amp and it was a great combination, CJ throughs a nice soundstage with a good but not excessive tube bloom. For me, the Adcom needed that.
I tend to favor the C-J PV10 over the LS-1. I've owned both and while I really loved the PV-10 for it's musicality, I felt that the LS-1 wasn't involving and sounded cold and sterile.