Inverted phase preamps?

What is the best way to adjust for this in your system? Could you give a detailed view of what you reccomend, for example: reverse speaker wires at the amp?,etc. I have heard different ideas from some reputable people. I know that it comes down to what sounds the best, but I would be very interested in hearing your experience with this. Thanks.
Elizabeth wrote:
Since 50% of all recordings are phase-inverted, and from one to the next you can't tell except by playing, I would say it does not really matter!!!!!
So just mark on the record sleeve or CD case whether the recording is in phase or out of phase. It does matter! And I don't buy the idea of reversing speaker cables, as not only does it cause undue wear and tear on the connectors, it is too easy to short something out. The only sensible, convenient solution is a phase switch on the preamp or source component.
Yeah.. my Adcom pre has a phase switch, but a wish it was remote controlled!!!
The switch is there, but it has to be rotated manually.
So my wish list for convenient products: Pre amps that have defeatable tone controls, and a remote controlled phase switch!
Amp end or speaker end - it makes no difference.

Lots of recordings are made out of phase and you can hear it. I got some new Cream remasters which have songs out of phase and I'll play with some switching later tonight.
Tvad. Probably a bit of an exaggeration saying most manufacturers. Good to see you are reading :)
Having the phase invert on the pre is certainly easier. I can't say I use it a lot on my pre thou, except for a couple of LP's. Generally I notice it the most is on big vocals when the singer is breathing in when he should be breathing out. The Elvis 5LP box set live in Vegas is my most obvious example of the music out of phase.