Von Schweikert VR4JR & Tube Amp???

So...without boring you with too much details, I've been FORCED to move my rig into a small dedicated room in my basement. I currently have the above speakers, Marantz SA8260 SACD/CD, Marantz PM7200 (95wpc), Kimber Silver Streak, Audioquest Montblanc & CV-6. My room is only about 12x10 and it's in a corner of my finished basement so, I have two walls that are poured concrete behind the paneling. Obviously, the sound sucks. Since the room is fully enclosed and mine alone, I literally had to surround the room with R-15 Insulation covered with heavy felt moving-blankets and built some baffling in the corners. Ceiling is typical foam drop-ceiling tiles. Floor is carpeted. After some experimentation with speaker placement, I have ACCEPTABLE sound accross most frequencies except the bass (too boomy). Now here's the question: I'm hoping to make the following hardware changes as final adjustments since I might be here for awhile: Replace the PM7200 with a Primaluna Prologue 2 or Manley Stringray and the Audioquest cables with Kimber 8TC. I don't have the experience with or the ability to audition the considered new gear but, what do you wise and insightful folks think???
To answer your question of whether the VR4jr's sound good with tubes they most certainly do. I am running a BAT VK60 that I am considering selling. It was fine in my smaller room but now that I have moved into a larger space it is just not enough. The fear that I have is if I do in fact get rid of the BAT, what can I possibly buy to replace it that will sound just as good for similar money?

A close friend of mine ran a stingray with his VR4's & loved it except for the fact that it would also strain trying to fill his large listening room at what we like to call "drinking levels" We both listen to clasic rock & at normal levels have no problems with tubes & VSA.
Thank you very much. I am between a pair of Cary SLM-100s or ARC Classic 150. Any epxerience with either of these? thanx again
If the 4's are booming this is addressed in the manual isnt it? Stuff the ports with dacron a bit at a time this will help at the speakers end Thick carpet on the floor maybe some carpet on the walls throw rugs. If done properly those walls are more solid then dry wall. Use pink noise to set your imaging. Heres how schweikert does it with the vr-8, Place a speaker at the listning position, then walk around the room and find the best place for bass responce. use that for speaker placement.
Excellent advice and yes, I just re-read the manual and saw the part about the Dacron. Thanx much.