BAT's house sound

I am interested in BAT amps. My readings indicated conflicting comments. I noticed that some people say they sound like solid state. They are often compared to Audio Research. Some reviews say they are a touch warm and very musical.
I'd like to get your opinion on the BAT house sound, particularly regarding their tube amps.

Thanks in advance.
Bat makes solid state and tube amps. All of their amps have a wonderful midrange that's warm and inviting. That said, the solid state amps are pretty good on the extremes...the tube amps more life and wetness to the sounnd.

The newwe 75SE and 150SE tube amps put together the best of solid state, ie. bass control with out sacrificing their like and wetness in the mids. Extention and warmth on top killer as well.

It really depends on which bat amp your curious about, the speakers you have, the rest of the system. That dictates whether they are a great match. Pretty much anyone will say they are good.

I've owned a VK200 (ss), a vk60 (tube) and currently a vk75se (tube) so I have some first hand experience here.

good luck
The comparisons with solid state are made only in the area of noise floor. They are uncanny in that they are very quiet for a tube amplifier. I would tend to agree with the musicality description, and would say they lean a tad to the warm side. It also depends which tube amp of theirs you are talking about.
I'm looking at their new VK-55. Needless to say, the VK-75 is also interesting but it is over my budget. Speakers are Hyperions.

BTW, a friend said their amps are a touch warm but lean? THis friend owns a CJ premier 11a. Any comments?

Thanks again.
The first two comments are on the money, imho.
FWIW, would be interesting to see opinions on how the 55 compares to the 75 and the 75se.
My nickle on BAT, fwiw, is that they provide great customer service and a very well built product and are a pleasure to deal with, but they don't push the envelop on price to performance. The 55 may be an exception though, I've yet to hear it.
Hello Jeff,

It has been my experience that in the case of the 51se and the 150se mono-block amps that they certainly compete and push the envelop in the price to performance category. I haven't heard the VK55 yet either. Good luck Eps in finding what sounds good to you and enjoy the search.
