What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own

My current amp is a McIntosh MC252 @ 98lbs. My old Pioneer Elite was under 10lbs, I belive. My current amp IS the heaviest I have owned.
ive breifly heard the Krell MRA's a few years ago, as i recall they were several hundred pounds each like 300+lbs
not that weight has any particular significance in and of itself; my heavyweight champ so far has been the Levinson #33 monoblocks. they weighed 365 pounds each. i owned them for two years.

more impressive to me was the magnificent industrial design and the 'commanding presense' that they visually projected. it doesn't take much skill to design something big and heavy.......but to make something that big and heavy that still looks 'right' is an achievement.

they sounded pretty good too.....which was why i bought them in the first place.
Just to add to this heavy confusion: my poweramp weighs some 35 kilograms. No idea how many punds or lbs that is, I only know it sounds awesome. Well, to my ears that is......
My friend's CAT JL-1 Limited Edition monoblocks -- 192 lbs. each.
Nearly killed myself helping him position them.

This thread is not silly, as an amp with high weight generally means (i)
serious power supplies (SS and tube amps) and/or (ii) serious output
transformers (tube amps).