What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own

My current amp is a McIntosh MC252 @ 98lbs. My old Pioneer Elite was under 10lbs, I belive. My current amp IS the heaviest I have owned.
Jeeze...how much do your complete systems weigh??? Did you guys have to install extra support under the floor? I think my whole system weighs less than alot of your amps....but I've been working out lately so maybe I should get something heavier.

Ellery sez: "how much do your complete systems weigh???"

Good question, never thought of that before... just under ~500 not counting racks etc.

If you think that's heavy, ALbert Porter's record player + paraphernalia, alone, is probably heavier...
Forget about reinforcing the floor for these amps;how about a geological survey?