What was/is the heaviest weight amp you herd/own

My current amp is a McIntosh MC252 @ 98lbs. My old Pioneer Elite was under 10lbs, I belive. My current amp IS the heaviest I have owned.
Forget about reinforcing the floor for these amps;how about a geological survey?
How do you move a 365lbs amplifier?

you don't. you have the dealer move it (i mean them....BOTH of them) in and out. my 250 pound son and i could slide it around on the carpet a little but even that was difficult. actually, you load it onto it's crate bottom......then attach the sides and top....then either get two hefty guys with an oversized handtruck or two piano dollys.

i also own a 600 pound turntable......which i can move quite easily once it is disassembled. it's heaviest piece is about 275 pounds.

my last speakers weighed 565 pounds each....but were actually very easy for two people to pack into crates and then slide two piano dollys under.

my current monoblock amps weigh about 110 pounds each and perform a good deal better than the Levinson #33's.

in general, the best audio gear has some mass to it since the best power supplies are typically quite heavy and resonance control usually involves the use of mass to some degree. but size and weight are only attributes when contributing to the whole...not as a goal in themselves.