Best wire to replace stock wiring in preamp?

I own a Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp that I want to modify with better internal wiring.
The stock internal wiring is silver-plated copper. I believe this contributes to this preamps slight brightness and harshness.
I want to buy some aftermarket wiring and rewire the main wires inside the unit.
I still want to retain the tremendous detail, openness, resolution, and sense of space this preamp provides, but at the same time I want to reduce some of the annoying harshness that silver-plated copper is known for.
Do you all think that I should use all copper wiring, or use all silver wiring for the best results?
What brand or brands would you recommend for the very best results?
Any idea on the pricing?
Thanks for your help.
I vote for solid silver. Buy it from Michael Percy Audio; . I'd use the 22g. uninsulated 4-nines stuff at 95 cents/foot plus 14- or 16g. teflon tubing at 40 or 50 cents/foot. The larger tube becomes mostly air around the conductor; air is the 2nd-best insulator, vacuum being best.
To continue this thread i want to ask an advice for an internal hook up wire for my phonostage input.I was installing new connectors and ruined the wire while trying to strip a fresh end.This wire is only on the input part of the phono stage and looks like 4 ultra thin silver threads wound together.This wire was so thin that i can compare it to a cats fur.Now i am searching for replacement but want somehow to preserve the integrity of the sound.
Overhang, I believe strongly in solid-conductor cable, not stranded. Yours is stranded. I'd use the same thing I recommended just above.
Solid core dead soft silver is what to use, minimum four nines purity. Don't be tempted to try jeweler's silver. A couple of sources are listed above, although I can't say what the differences are between them.
Leave the wire alone. The problem from brighteness is not
your pre-amp, its from your digital source. The frequency
measurments from your P/LD 2000 are so flat it will reveal
all flaws from your D/A converter chips. Companies like
Wolfson from England, and Cirrus Logic of Crystal Semiconductor in Texas, are producing the warmest, richest,
most analog sounding DAC's on the market. Marantz, Arcam,
Integra, Integra Research are using their DAC's. Stay away
from brands using Burr-Brown chips. Their DAC's are as bright as a screaming witch. The best bang for the buck is
a killer pro model from Marantz, the PMD 325. It uses the
Cirrus Logic D/A chips. This player has single ended and
XLR outs and also has pitch control. It is very warm and
smooth. Go to in Wisconsin and you can
pick one up at a good discount. If your on a budget, and want a warm player, this is it!!!