Best wire to replace stock wiring in preamp?

I own a Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp that I want to modify with better internal wiring.
The stock internal wiring is silver-plated copper. I believe this contributes to this preamps slight brightness and harshness.
I want to buy some aftermarket wiring and rewire the main wires inside the unit.
I still want to retain the tremendous detail, openness, resolution, and sense of space this preamp provides, but at the same time I want to reduce some of the annoying harshness that silver-plated copper is known for.
Do you all think that I should use all copper wiring, or use all silver wiring for the best results?
What brand or brands would you recommend for the very best results?
Any idea on the pricing?
Thanks for your help.
Well, excuse me........

I got the delta and the sigma reversed. I suppose that I am the first (old twit) to do that.

Sigma-delta. There, are you happy now?

One bit is a "sigma-delta" sum (sigma) up a bunch of little steps (delta) to make one.
Unsound...If you read the previous posts in this thread
dated from 9-5 thru 9-7 your question is answered.
Anyone interested in reading some rather technical details on the inner workings of modern DACs, I have some info that I can share.

A buddy in the chip testing business was able to answer some questions that the TI marketing weenie would not, or could not, answer. I have compiled some of it that I can e-mail to anyone interested.

Mind you, he had to sign a NDA with TI, so some things he can not share. But the crux of the communication can be summed up for the rest of you as:

1.) He prefers AD DACs over TI/BB or Cirrus.

2.) His feeling is that the Cirrus DACs are bright, and weak in the bass.

3.) He uses the term "delta-sigma" when he really means "sigma-delta". Gee, I wonder how many times someone has done that in the last 20 years. Us poor stupid mortals.........
I invite the readers of this thread to go to the Texas
Instruments website, to the home page, upper right corner
and type in delta sigma. Other parts of their website
give technical data that they are currently using Delta
Sigma modulators, not Sigma Delta , in their multiple
bit DAC's. It is true that in the early nineties that Delta
Sigma modulation applied to one bit only. But that was
fifteen years ago. The bottom line is that Ar_t
gave the impression to the readers, several post's back,
that the term Delta Sigma had no scientific basis,
that it was a term made up by marketing weenies only.
When in fact, it was a term that originated from DAC
designers many years ago. I will be discussing this
issue with the DAC lab at Texas Instruments on monday
and will post the results thereafter. One last thing Ar_t,
I asked you in a previous post if you would provide your
crudentials, since you claim you build products relating
to this field. Your crudentials that would justify your
hatred of Texas Instruments. Where's the beef? Inquiring
mines would like to know, since this is an open forum for