Best pre-amp with built-in phono stage under 10K?

There seem to be a renaissance in this area. Among others, EAR has the 912 and Cary has the SLP-05. Both mentioned in TAS a few months ago but little info on them. I have been reading up on the Steelhead also which has one input and more can be added using the "switcher."

I need about 5 inputs. I am looking for something for my Art Audio PX-25 and I am wondering if there is something that is pretty much state of the art without going to separates. Remote control and high quality mc input a must, tubes would be preferred, mono and phase switching and balanced inputs close behind.
Accuphase preamps C275, or the C275V have every feature that you mentioned (except for tubes of course) and several other nifty control features as well. $10K list I got mine for about half price including the versatile integral phono stage. Tube-rush noise was not on my list of desirable sonics either Kurt.
Anyone know if the EAR or Supratek's are all point to point wired? And don't start shouting at me that I'm in the wrong camp on this.