Belles 350a Reference, Classe 2200, Ayre V-5x,

All right people, get ready for a dog fight! Lets pick a winner. All three ampe are a great value for the $$$. I'm really having trouble picking one. I have Usher CP 777 speakers, Shunyata Andromeda speaker cables a Melos MA333 Reference preamp.I will value everyones in put .Just for fun Lets put in the Edge G4 in the mix.
I currently use an Ayre V-5xe - excellent unit (at least in my system). I miss a little bit speed, accuracy, stability and focus as well as body - thats the reason why I just bought a pair of JRDG 501 monos - MUCH better in every way (except that the v-5xe is spooky holographic and smoother). But never the less - the best stereo ss amp for the money they ask..
Bob and Bigtee, when you speak of the Belles 350a, are you talking about the 350a or the 350a reference ? These are two different amps.
I found the Classe weak with almost no bass control. I heard it with some B&Ws...803 or 804Ds. I heard the 400 monos with the 802Ds and again, no bass control.