Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...
Bingo TVAD, dull, boring and to my ears. . . overpriced. That's the LS-25 Mk. 2, not ARC's finest product by any stretch. I would not want to generalize, but LS-25 fits regretably the ARC stereotype declared above.
As stated under the AudioPerv moniker, I have not heard the Calypso, but all indications so far are that it is a great linestage, once the right NOS tubes are found.
As far as I know, no one has ever accused Calypso of being an inducer of somnolence. There are other great linestages of course, but. . .
Actually Tvad....... I couldn't disagree with you more. The MK2 uses 6h30's which are very fast sounding tube. Maybe you are thinking of a MK1? 6922's that are used in the MK1 are somewhat syrupy. 6h30's are fast, dynamic and very crisp and clean. Too much like a SS piece in my opinion. Plus the MK2's use JFET's in the input stage instead of tubes.... Perfectionist: If you are wanting a traditional tube sound, the MK2's may not be the one.
No ARC bashing from me at least. An ARC LS2B has served me well and has been working like a Swiss watch for 13 years, and an ARC Ref 3 is among the 3 front runners for its replacement. It is also fair to mention that ARC has an excellent reputation for reliability and delivering products that sound right, after breaking, out of the box, without the need of going through NOS tube musical chairs. . . . its just that I truly do not like the LS25 II.