Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...
I truely appreciate the folks (not folk's) who have taken the time to articulate their impressions and opinions regarding this thread.

Trying either a Calypso or LS25 MK2 in my system is not really an option for me.
So after extensive research I have taken the plunge and ordered a new Calypso,
it is due to arrive at my home Tuesday, August 9th.

I will report my findings here for all who are interested.
Although I may wait a few days until the unit has some hours on it and I can spend some "quality time" with it over next weekend.

Again, thanks to all who have contributed...
I was up last night until 4:00 AM (I generally am in bed by 11:00) but last night was my first night auditioning a full complement of Kubala-Sosna Emotion interconnects and two Emotion power cords. I generally listen to one or two cuts from my reference music I use for auditions. (See the Calypso review for list) Rather than one or two tracks, I ended up listening to the whole disk.

It's funny that your second to last paragraph you commented on interconnects and dimensionality. John, you will not believe your ears.

These cables are amazing, they provide better transparency than my Valhallas, and have zero brightness yet at the same time leaving nothing out. This cable did not provide all the Callisto's attributes, but in some ways it tops the Callisto. Piano is wonderful, all the way to the top C key. I have found "the" new reference cable, now I just need to figure out how to get some speaker cables.
Right on Perfectionist. I am eager to hear how it all falls into place for you.

JD: Are you willing to share your new cables with us less fortunate cable owners? 8-) If I bring over the Callisto to hear how it works with your new fancy-pants cables, are you prepared to have the french horn player in your lap? And you thought it was hot in your room now!
Actually John, I want to try them in your system if one meter interconnects work. of course any time the Callisto comes over to play is a good day, so either way. if we do it here we can go back to the NBS and then the Kubala-Sosna. let me know, I'm around this week.