Curiousity killed.....

Just wondering why say Mcintosh does not have transferable warranty and Bryston does.Both longtime institutions,well thought of,both made in USA on the same shoreline,yet that one difference which can be large.Don't spend alot of time on this one,thanks,Bob
...and they're not on a shoreline...

You can go to the following for more discussion on the subject. -

I still find it hard to fathom how some could try to justify the difference in warranty, particularly when price is considered, but as you can see, all methods of obfuscation get tried to defend it. Oh well.
I thought Canada was part of the US...and thanks Snofun3,I shall now slip back into my coma,adeiu...
And for what it is worth... McIntosh is now owned by a Japanese company :^) (albeit one where the majority shareholder is a Belgium-listed private-equity fund run by an American group (and the 2nd largest shareholder is Dutch)) :^).
Satisfaction brought... ( to end your title quote ).

Because that is what each company feels is best for them.
Very interesting Tbone...yes,Onemug,your second sentence holds the obvious answer,though I think a call to McIntosh might provide some more illumination on some specifics I was searching to find a Japanese interptreter....thanks men....
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