Solid state "backup" amp recommendation

Too hot to run my BAT VK-75SE all day on weekend during summer, like to have a solid state amp to fill that job instead. Will be a "backup" amp to my BAT, so can't spend a fortune on it. Budget can be $1k to $2.5k, it's a big range I know. Another criteria is XLR input so I don't need an adaptor.

Have tried Pass X-350, Rowland 8TiHC, McCormack DNA-2 Deluxe, Accuphase P-450, Levinson 331, Forte 4A and many others in the past, favorite was Forte for its musical and tube like sound especially considering its price. But I would like a little more power not to mention something newer for peace of mind.

Amps I am considering, Pass X-250, BAT VK-200/500, Classe CAM-200. What will you vote for? I am leaning toward Pass. Anything else I should consider?
Try a Plinius SA102 used on the 'Gon for ~$2500

Great sounding amp, and you can use the 'Class A vs class A/B' switch, very versatile.

May even give your bat a run for its money in many areas! Definitely freq. extremes and dynamics.
Semi, a couple of us keep mentioning CI Audio D100 or D200 and you keep repeating NuForce. Is there a disconnect here, or are you just dead set on trying only the NuForce if you decide to try a digital amp? The NuForce and CI Audio amps DO NOT sound the same so you cannot listen to one and assume "you've heard them all".

IMO, if you want something that sounds similar to your BAT amp and is extremely musical you'll try the CI Audio. If you want something that has Uber clarity and dynamics, but to my ear is a bit cold sounding, you'll love the NuForce. Just my opinion, of course...
Hi Semi - in reading of your system configuration and what you want the new amplifier for, I would certainly add the NuForce Ref 8B ( for balanced) monoblocks @ $1600/pair. These light-weight wonders are analog switching amps and are very chameleon-like in their presentation - ie, they take the sonic characteristics of the pre-amp and will sound "tubey" with tubed pre. Though they are rated at 100 watts, they have more than enough power to drive my Magnepan 3.6R's as well as most other speakers with moderate to poor efficiency. As to how to get the best sound, just give them a fast power cord ( Shunyata Diamondback, Audio Magic Trinium, Synergistic AC Master Coupler) and ENJOY! Demo units can be had from the Cable Company or directly from the NuForce company.
A nice guy locally just offered both CI & NuForce for me to try in my system, how can I resist?

It will be fun to hear how new generation digital amps compared to old fashion tube triode. I did hear Rowland 502 in my system, I will just say I much prefer the BAT except in sound quantity. Let's hope CI & NuForce will change my mind about digital amps.