Beginners Pre-amp

I'm in midst of changing things in my system and the next thing I want to try is a tubed pre-amp. I do plan to change my speakers to Paradigm S4 and would like to know which pre-amps would work. As for music it varies from Jazz(mostly) to live theater,dance,pop, etc...

My budget is at most 2500.00 new or used. I figured at that price point I can come away with something that I can live with for awhile and totally outclass the Pre-amp section of my receiver.

At that price point new I can come away with a BC21.1 as it allows me the options of the Shallco and a processor loop.

My questions are: What do the members here think of the BC?Will it work in my system. Is it a quite unit and and does it respond well to both tube rolling and PC upgrades.

Finally are there any others I should consider besides the VTL2.5/5.5. I know there's more but I drawing a blank.


Thanks guys,

The SWL9.0SE seems to be the front runner for me. I just read a review on AA comparing it to a CJ Act2.

Hi, in the first place: what is a beginners pre-amp? I think there are two options regarding preamps and audio gear in general: a bad and a good sounding one. Currently there aren't actually any bad sounding units (otherwise they are defective). With your budget there are nummerous possibilities to choose from. Acoustic Reality has also a preamp that can be had for far less than the price you've mentioned.
This is my first venture into putting together a system. Right now I can't afford the likes of BAT, Aesthetix and the like. So I'm looking for something to start me off on a good foot.

Based solely on my own reading, and personal experience with the designers, I'd second the First Sound Presence Deluxe II ($2500 used, and you won't have the urge to upgrade any time soon), and I'd second the Modwright SWL 9.0SE. Finally, based only on user comments and price, I'd look into the aforementioned Herron VTSP-1A.

Between these three, you have a sure winner.
I owned a BC 21.1 and thought it was great for the price. It is superbly constructed and looks cool too. You can coax excellent sound out of it with some nicer tubes and I had great results using a Stealth Cloude nine power cord with it. It has a ton of gain. I put a couple of Tantalums in one of the inputs to pad down the gain a bit.