CJ Trinity Sessions, Rumor or Real Deal?

I have been exposed to the following two items concerning the Cowboy Junkie's "Trinity Sessions" offering and wanted to see what you ladies and gentleman thought about this.

[1]"There has been a story going around that the female vocal solo on this is not a female at all but a Klipsch speaker. Story goes: the session is CalrecSoundfield one point miked but the singer has not enough projection to be heard in a one point mike setup where everyone is fairly far from the mikes so they let the singer sing through a separate mike plus speaker to preserve spatial integrity. If this is true the REAL test of resolution of your system(and your ears) is whether you noticed or whether you bought the is- it- live- or- is- it- Klipsch item."


[2]"a few weeks ago, the local NPR station was playing a cowboy junkies interview which explained why. they said that the vocals for the trinity sessions were done by margo singing into a seperate mic, which was hooked to a PA speaker which played towards the ambisonic mics. they weren't happy with how the vocals sounded with her just singing at the ambisonic mics."

What do you think? I don't own this disc, but have a couple of cuts on a CDR. Interesting, no?


Charlie ol' Bud, I think both points 1 and 2 (above) are probably horse manure, and being a vet you should know about that:>). But true or not, "The Trinity Session" is an excellent CD and you should acquire it. Trk #1 was left with heavy tape hiss/static-- don't know why(?), but the rest of the tracks are truly Margo Timmins-- and at her best. Cheers and Happy Holidays. Craig
Sorry Craig, but the stories are true and correspond with my own appraisal of the vocals on the lp (dont have the cd -wouldn't buy it , but probably wouldn't throw it out if someone gave it to me). Except for the vocals, the recording is very good and interesting because of the rendering of the cavernous soundstage and all the strange background noises. But the vocals are overly sibilant, coarsely sibilant and two dimensional. Not solid, not palpable and not real. In contrast with almost every other record of a female vocalist I have, including audiophile favorite "Famous Blue Raincoat." I know what a woman singing in my presence should sound like. So I believe the story.

Charlie, you shouldnt have. (Someone we know told us the story in the first place and I found the bit about the NPR interview in a Deja.com search.)
Paul, I knew I was going to get on Craig's "naughty list" for even mentioning this. I was trying to spare you the ashes and coal treatment.

Craig, I hope you did not take this as some sort of proposal that Trinity Sessions is somehow now illegitimate or poor. It doesn't. Enjoy as always! It is interesting to note, however, if we can recognize recording manipulations. I must admit that the couple of cuts I heard did not stand out in my mind's eye other than to recognize Margo Timms unique vocal style.

Happy Holidays,
